Here’s an ugly zombie to bring out the creepy in you Halloween decor.

1. Cut mouth out of styrofoam ball, with Exacto knife. Cut at an inward angle.
2. Squish the styrofoam ball into the shape of a head. Take your thumbs and make an depression for the eyes. Take you marker, thumbs, whatever you have on hand and make the mouth deeper. (See video to see how I did it).
3. Paint in zombie flesh colors – acrylic paint – let dry
4. Paint the eyes and mouth black
6. Cut teeth out of felt
7. Cut chunks of hair out of fabric
8. Make eyes – To make the eyes, take small glass stones and put Mod Podge on the flat side. Punch out two black circles from black paper and put into Mod Podge. Put another layer of Mod Podge over the black circles and let dry. Once dry (clear), take a permanent maker, in red and make squiggles on the flat side, for bloodshot eyes. Take acrylic paint, in white or yellow (yellow because zombies probably have liver problems) and paint a layer on the flat side of the glass stone. Let dry. One more layer of Mod Podge. Let dry. They are done!
9. Hot glue eyes into place.
10. Hot glue teeth into place – I use the wooden skewer to help get them into the right place in the mouth, since I can’t fit my glue gun in there!
11. Insert wire into top of head and put a little hot glue in the hole to keep it in place.
12. Hot glue hair and eyebrows.
13. Put red paint in areas where there would be blood.
14. Add the paper cement (because it looks gooey) as drool, snot or infection – wherever you think that would be on your zombie!
Tip: I use a water bottle cap to set it on while working, so it doesn’t roll away!
Thank you for stopping by!
Happy Crafting!