Witch Makeup Tutorial | Halloween Costume

If you like making Halloween costumes, here is a great witch makeup tutorial and the complete look that is simply bewitching!

I’ve been making the accessories (witch hat, broomstick, and red glitter shoes), but now it’s time to pull it all together. I need some makeup to bring out my finer qualities. Oriental Trading sent me the Woochie FX Kit to help me complete my look.

You Will Need

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You will need:

Here is the Witch Makeup & Halloween Costume Video Tutorial

Witch Makeup Directions

Step 1

Pull your hair back so you can better apply the makeup. Take the nose and hold it in place on your face.  With the puff, dust the finishing powder around the nose. This should leave a line to use as a guide to apply the spirit gum.

Hold witch makeup nose to your face to start your Halloween costume

Step 2

Take the nose and hold it in place on your face. With the puff, dust the finishing powder around the nose.  This should leave a line to use as a guide for applying the spirit gum

Powder around the latex witch nose on your face

Step 3

Apply the spirit gum where the nose will be attached to your face. Tap the spirit gum to activate it. It will become very sticky from your tapping.

Brush spirit gum on to the outline on your nose

Have fun with it! I’d LOVE to see what you make! Be sure to share it over on my Craft Klatch Facebook Group! It’s Free! ❤️

Dab your nose where the spirit gum was applied until the skin starts sticking

Step 4

Apply nose to the spirit gum and it should stick well.

Apply the witch nose for the witch makeup to the spirit gum

Step 5

Repeat process for the chin.

Apply witch nose and chin to face for the Halloween costume

Step 6

Repeat process with the warts.

Add warts to the face along with the witch nose and chin

Step 7

Take the latex and apply it to the edges of the nose and chin to help disguise the edges. It will take more than one coat. I will suggest that you also apply the latex over the nose and chin in a more stippling style. Also, do that on your face. I found my face and the pieces took the makeup differently and this seemed to help it look more natural and give me an overall unpleasant complexion, like one might expect from a wicked green witch.

Apply latex to the edge of the nose

Step 8

Apply the forensic green makeup all over your face and neck.

 Apply green witch makeup on face

Step 9

Take the black and accentuate the eyes, your eyebrows and even your lips. Blend as desired.

Add black around eyes for the witch makeup

Step 10

Apply the finishing powder all over the makeup. That’s it for the makeup! Now you need to make sure you have your outfit and all your other accessories in place.

The witch makeup is finished

Add a wig and the hat!

Add witch hat to finish the Halloween costume

Tights are a nice touch!

Add striped stocking to finish the Halloween costume

Red slippers and a broom finish off the Halloween costume!

Witch Halloween costume with red scarf, green striped tights and a broomstick

Fun Halloween Projects!

Witch Themed Halloween Decorations

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Be sure to PIN IT for later!

witch riding on broomstick | witch makeup

Thanks for stopping by! Remember: Life’s too short not to shimmer, so grab your glue gun and your glitter!™ Stay safe! And Happy Halloween!


*The makeup kit was provided by Oriental Trading for review.  The ideas and opinions are all my own.


3 thoughts on “Witch Makeup Tutorial | Halloween Costume”

  1. Wow, that was amazing witch makeup! I totally love that! That is surely a must-try this halloween. I'd love to feature this in my list of halloween makeup ideas if you will allow me to. Thanks and more power!

    ~ Cristine

    • Hi Cristine – I'm so glad you liked it! I love to be featured, as long as it's linked back to my site, or video. I love some of the ideas you have up there. They are great!



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