Today we are making a whimsical mixed media wine coaster, using resin and wood!

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You will need:
Thin plywood: find it at home improvement store
Silver paint:
Red pigment:
Packing tape:
Here is the video tutorial:
1. Draw a wine glass on a piece of paper or card stock.
2. Trace it onto the plywood and cut it out.
3. Sand the edges.
4. Paint the wood silver and allow to dry. It may take a few coats.
5. Using packing tape, line one side of the wine glass opening.
6. Mix your resin, according to the package directions. Then mix in your colorant. You can go red wine, white wine or a rosé.
7. Pour the resin into the opening of the wine glass and pop the bubbles.
8. Allow to cure a minimum of 12 hours before handling and removing the tape.
9. If you need to touch up any paint, do it now.
Once fully cured, you have a fun wine glass coaster!!!
Thanks for stopping by!
Remember: Life’s too short not to shimmer, so grab your glue gun and your glitter!® Stay safe!