Learn how to make a Wedding Confetti Resin Coaster with this easy resin craft tutorial! There are so many resin crafts out there, but drink coasters are amazing resin crafts for beginners. Coasters are easy and each one is a one of a kind piece of resin art. I love working with beautiful confettis and talk about an easy craft! This one is perfect for a wedding gift or bridal shower – if it’s not too big, you can make them party favors!

Materials you will need:
Mold: https://amzn.to/2FcRd7J
Confetti (alternative): https://amzn.to/2UDd67n
Lighter: https://amzn.to/2NQusts
Resin (use whatever resin brand you like):
Easy Cast: https://amzn.to/2yjYmBC
Art Resin: https://amzn.to/2yk9X3z
Clear Cast: https://amzn.to/2z4rxGw
This is the resin I used for this project:
FX Poxy: https://amzn.to/2AF3Pkk ~ According to the manufacturer, this one is heat resistant to 500 degrees F.
Here is a quick video tutorial, so you can see exactly how I made it:
1. I found this super cute wedding confetti at the party store and I couldn’t pass it up.

2. I mixed two ounces of resin.

3. I added some confetti and mixed it in well.

4. I poured the mixture into the mold.

5. I used my lighter to pop the bubbles and let it cure a minimum of 12 hours.

6. I removed it from the mold.

That’s it! Now you have a very sparkly wedding coaster!

Thanks for stopping by! Remember: Life’s too short not to shimmer, so grab your glue gun and your glitter!™ Stay safe!