Suicide Squad Coasters | DIY Project | Another Coaster Friday | Craft Klatch | How To

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I know a lot of people have been waiting for the Suicide Squad coasters, so here they are!

You will need:
–  Coaster mold:
–  Circle cutter:
–  Easy Cast:
–  Fast Cast:
–  Whte pigment:
–  Transparency film (laser):
–  Transparency film (inkjet):
–  Pigment powder:

Here is the video tutorial:  

1.  Use your pigment powder and soft brush and brush the pigment powder into the mold.
2.  Mix 2 ounces of your resin (I used  Fast Cast, but you could do Easy Cast and add white pigment).
3.  Pour it in over your pigment powder.
4.  Pop bubbles as needed, with your lighter and allow to cure.
5.  Print out your images on transparency film and cut out.
6.  With a combination of Mod Podge and the pigment powder, mix both together and brush it onto the edges of the of the resin, to give it a grimy kind of look, but keep the middle clean!  I used paper towels to dab it and soften it.
7.  Once dry, mix two ounces of Easy Cast and pour into the molds.  Pop bubbles with your lighter.
8.  Slide the images into the resin and press with the stir stick, to press out all the bubbles.
9.  Pop bubbles with lighter again and allow to cure a minimum of 12 hours.

That’s it!  Enjoy your coasters!  
Thanks for stopping by!  Life’s too short not to shimmer, so grab your glue gun and your glitter!™  Stay safe!


1 thought on “Suicide Squad Coasters | DIY Project | Another Coaster Friday | Craft Klatch | How To”

  1. I would like to buy a set or two of these if you're willing to sell them. 🙂 I commented on the video in case you don't see it. Realllly interested!


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