You will need:
1. Cut four pieces of wood cut to similar lengths and cut two pieces of wood that are cut slightly shorter than the size of the previous four, when you have them together.

2. Put glue onto the two back pieces and apply to the back of the four pieces put together.

3. Screw the two pieces to the back of the four pieces – it will keep them together. I used 8 screws. Make sure they are not too long. You don’t want to drill through and have them poking out the front.

4. Using a gray and white acrylic paint, mix with water and give the wood – front and back – a wash. Allow to dry.

5. I found a skull stencil online. Stencil the skull onto the wood.

6. Once dry, use other stencils, or parts of other stencil to create patterns and designs on the skull. Make it colorful.

7. I used a flat brush to paint teeth.

8. I used a golf tee to make small polka dots.

9. Stencil roses around the skull.

I used leftover wood from another project. I had used pallets to make a doghouse for my sister’s rescue dog. It was a Key West inspired beach house doghouse.
That’s it! Thanks for stopping by and remember: Life’s too short not to shimmer, so grab your glue gun and your glitter!™ Stay safe!