Shark Bite Me Resin Art DIY | Resin Crafts | Craft Klatch

Learn how to make Shark Bite Art!  It’s an easy craft tutorial! This is a different take on regular resin art.  You can take it to another level by adding stenciling!

Here is a quick video tutorial, so you can see exactly how I made it!

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You will need:
Pigment powder:
Resin pigment:
Fine blue glitter:
Spray paint:
Cricut (Amazon):
Cricut (Cricut site):
Cricut (Cricut site):
Cricut vinyls:
This is the resin I used for this project:
FX Poxy: ~ According to the manufacturer, this one is heat resistant to 500 degrees F.


1.  I mixed eight ounces of resin.

2.  I then split the resin into smaller cups and added blue, silver and white resin pigments, powder pigments and glitter.  I wanted to stay with a watery color scheme.

3.  I began pouring the resin over the canvas.  The colors, glitters and glitters overlapped and blended together.

4.  I took my stir stick and moved the resin around the canvas, making sure the resin got along the edges.

5.  I took my torch and popped the bubbles.

6.  I used my Cricut to cut out a big shark fin and words, out of vinyl.  

7.  I removed the outer vinyl.

8.  I put the transfer tape over the cut out.

9.  I put it on the resin.

10.  I removed the transfer tape.

FYI:  Normally when you are putting vinyl on a surface, you want to make sure you put it down, without any bubbles.  Because I am using this as a stencil, I wasn’t that careful.  The bubbles do not matter.  However, you do want to make sure the edges of the stencil are rubbed down really well, so paint doesn’t get under them.

11.  I took the piece out to the garage and painted it with a gloss black.

12.  Once dry, I removed the vinyl.

Now you have a cool art piece that keeps the depth of the resin art in the fin and the writing.

 That’s it!  Remember:  Life’s too short not to shimmer, so grab your glue gun and your glitter!™  Stay safe!


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