Roku Giveaway!!

To stay up on the latest, be sure to 
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Also, I created an Amazon store link, with items that I use in my crafts, just click on the
Products I Use above!

I’m excited to announce that you can now find me on ROKU!  Yay!  If you have a Roku, you can watch any time!  I have a giveaway, courtesy of Future Today, Inc.  You can win your very own Roku!  Millions of people are already using them, it’s time you did too!

This giveaway is open to residents of the U.S only.  There are a number of ways to enter below, but two requirements.  First you MUST be subscribed to Craft Klatch on YouTube.  Second, on the video, on YouTube, you MUST answer the following question:

What other platform, such as tablet , phone (Android, iPhone), Roku, Amazon Fire, etc. are you most likely to watch my channel?

Oh, did I mention, I should have an app for Android and Apple soon?

Good Luck!  


Check out all the ways to enter below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

2 thoughts on “Roku Giveaway!!”

  1. Love your videos! You may remember me I post picture of what I've made on you Facebook channel, will be posting more soon, thanks for the videos!


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