Here’s a little departure from the traditional Halloween spooky stuff. It’s a Princess Pumpkin!

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You will need:
– Pumpkin
– Acrylic paint in flesh, white, black and red:
– Yellow yarn:
– Flower gems:
– Princess Hat:
– Googly eyes:
– Glue:
Here is the video tutorial:
1. Paint the pumpkin with the flesh color. It will take a minimum of two coats. Allow to dry.
2. Paint the whites of the eyes – with white acrylic paint
3. Paint the nose with black acrylic paint
4. Paint lips with red acrylic paint
5. Outline the lips and the eyes with black – I used wooden barbecue skewer to outline. I get a better outline using the skewer than I do a brush, but use whatever works best for you!
6. Paint on eyelashes – again I used the skewer for the eyelashes.
7. Glue on googly eyes
8. Take yarn and wrap it around something – I wrap it around my arm (see video) an number of times and remove it. I cut the bunch in one place and it’s a bunch of yarn that is the same length.
9. Glue it onto the top of the head.
10. Take the flower gems and glue where the ears would be. They look like cute earrings and hold the hair back a little.
11. Add princess hat and you are done!
To see how to make the Princess Hat, see the video here:
Thanks for stopping by! Happy Crafting and Happy Halloween!
Here is the video on how to make the Princess Hat!
Here is the video on how to make the Princess Hat!

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