Pig On A Stick Dessert

People will go hog wild over this dessert!

Pigs on a stick!  Made from marshmallow and white chocolate.

Here’s a tutorial on how I did it:

You will need:

– Regular sized marshmallows
– Mini marshmallows
– Decorator gel
– Lollipop sticks
– Red food color
– White chocolate chips
– Wax paper


1.  Stick marshmallow on lollipop stick.
2.  Microwave white chocolate chips and add food color to melted white chips until it is the pink you want
3.  Cut mini marshmallow in half and dip one side into melted chocolate
4.  Stick half mini marshmallow in the middle of the flat side of the large marshmallow, for the snout and let dry/harden
5.  Dip or spread (whichever works best for you) in the pink melted chocolate to cover the pig head
6.  When fully covered and somewhat smoothed, lay it down on wax paper
7.  Cut a slice out of a large marshmallow and cut into quarters – each of those quarters make an ear
8.  Dip and cover an ear in the chocolate and attach to the pig that is lying on the wax paper to dry – it will adhere and dry to the pigs head.
9.  Add decorator gel for eyes and snout
10.  When fully hardened/dry carefully peel off the was paper and put in a bowl, piece of styrofoam, or get really creative!

I’d love to see your completed pigs and the ideas you come up with to display them!  Have fun with it!

You can find Craft Klatch of Facebook at


Happy Crafting!  Oink!  Oink!

1 thought on “Pig On A Stick Dessert”

  1. These were so cute, we had to make them for a fundraiser for one of my son's youth groups. Will try to get a picture uploaded to your Facebook page to show the results. I started the marshmallows on the stick in the wrong direction. My husband fixed the issue by putting the ears on the side the snout on top so it looks like a bowl full of piggies looking up at you. Thank you for all your terrific and fun crafts and ideas. Love watching your YouTube videos.


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