Palm Bark Reindeer | Christmas DIY Project | Crafting With Nature | Craft Klatch | How To

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Crafting with nature is fun!  My husband and I were down in Florida, earlier this year.  He saw the palm bark laying on the ground and asked if I wanted it.  OF COURSE!  I never know exactly what I’m going to do with it and it’s been sitting in my craft room ever since.  Right when I looked at it in Florida and since having it home, I’ve only seen one thing, a reindeer.  So today, that’s what it became.

Obviously not everyone will have access to palm bark, but you may have access to some interesting bark from a tree, or wood logs from a fallen or cut down tree.  Use your imagination!

You will need:
–  Palm bark 
–  Red pom pom
–  2 large googly eyes
–  Black pipe cleaner
–  Glue – I used hot glue

Here is the video tutorial:

1.  Take your palm bark, brush it off if it needs cleaning.
2.  Glue on pom pom for the nose.
3.  Glue on eyes.
4.  Double up a piece of pipe cleaner, so the eyebrow is a little thicker and snip with wire cutters.
5.  Bend it a little and glue it above an eye.
6.  Repeat with other eyebrow.

That’s it!  If you want to hang it, you can add an eye screw and fishing line.  Otherwise, I have mine just leaning up on the mantel.

Thank you for stopping by and Happy Holidays!  

Remember:  Life’s too short not to shimmer, so grab your glue gun and your glitter!™  Stay safe!



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