Materials list:
Similar Doily mold: https://amzn.to/2Qnzvpu
Stamp pad: https://amzn.to/39zuCkU
Air dry clay: https://amzn.to/2vEcFCk
Green paint: https://amzn.to/31baxNW
(if you use multi-surface paint, you can skip the varnish)
Silver paint: https://amzn.to/2Of9CqI
Varnish: https://amzn.to/31dQwqj
Roller: https://amzn.to/31cch9P
Here is the video, so you can see exactly how I made it:
1. I pulled out my mold for yet another doily coaster.

2. I pulled off a chunk of air dry clay and started to flatten it.

3. I used my brayer/roller to more evenly flatten it and get it large enough accommodate the mold.

4. I placed the silicone mold, pattern side down, onto the clay.

5. I used my brayer to make sure I had and even impression.

6. I used my craft knife to trim off the excess.

7. I dipped my finger into some water and used it to smooth the edge, while the silicone mold was still on the clay.

8. I carefully removed the mold.

9. I smoothed any rough edges and then I let it dry. Once the one side was dry, I flipped it over and peeled the foil off the back of the clay. DO NOT PEEL THE CLAY OFF OF THE FOIL! You risk breaking your piece. I laid it back side up and let it dry the rest of the way.

10. I painted the dry piece with a metallic green.

11. Once dry, I used a brush with just a little bit of silver paint. I gently brushed it over the raised areas. It helps to hold your brush sideways.

It helps set off the raised area.

Once dry, I used a varnish to seal everything. I did multiple coats. Then I let it dry.

Here is the finished piece. The silver really blended with the green, when I put the varnish on it. I would suggest doing two coats of the silver before adding the varnish.

That’s it! Thanks for stopping by! Remember: Life’s too short not to shimmer, so grab your glue gun and your glitter!™ Stay safe!

Hi Mona!
I do a lot of crafts too, but I've never used resin. I have made doilies though… you might like my doily thread earrings….
I wanted to let you know that your Pinterest profile still has your blogspot craftklatch address? And I'm not sure what Klatch is— is that your name?
Thank you Liberty! I haven't changed it yet because I was hoping to migrate over to WordPress, but I'm still waiting to hear from Pinterest about how it will effect my past pins. So I haven't changed it yet. Klatch is a german word. Like a Coffee Klatch, but instead it's a Craft Klatch.