My video on Recycled Nailpolish Glass Stones has been my most popular, but some people have expressed concerns about the nailpolish eventually wearing off. It’s probably true. You could put a glue, like a Weldbond, on first and it would likely make it last longer, or if it should peel off, take it as an opportunity to make a new one!
But since I am always looking for ways to make things better, I thought I would try something similar, but using resin instead. You know I LOVE my resin!
You will need:
– Resin – I used Easy Cast
– Mold – I will list one of the ones I used at the end of this post
– Nailpolish
1. Prepare resin according to package directions.
2. Pour the resin into the mold cavities.
3. Allow to cure for at least 12 hours.
4. Remove pieces from mold
5. Apply glitter and nailpolish to the back/flat side of the pieces – experiment and have fun with it.
6. Allow to dry.
7. You will find that the pieces will come out of the molds a matte finish. You can either use clear nailpolish and go over the top, or you can paint on a coat or resin. Either works great! The turn out shiny and full of depth.
When done, you can either glue on a jewelry bail and add a cord or chain, or drill a hole and add a jewelry finding to your pieces.
Here are a few more pictures of how they turned out:

If you are having trouble finding the products I used, please visit www.eti-usa.com. They are the makers of EasyCast and the resin molds I used. Their website has a listing of where their products can be found both nationally and internationally.
Thanks for stopping by! Happy Crafting!
Hello Mona,when you use the ice resin. How to clean the measuring cups? Best regards Eija
I love your idea of using nail polish on the resin molds. I've also used the polish on those glass beads from the dollar store and have bezelled them into pendants and earrings. The molds are certainly more versatile in size and shape so you can do way more with them. How about mixing the resin and polish with a toothpick together before the resin hardens and then creating a mobile or sun catcher with the shapes? This would be pretty as well with just left-over sprinkles. Thanks for your awesome webpage and Youtube channel. So many times your videos offer me a quick pick-me-up or get my creative juices flowing!! Judy