My Christmas Home Decor Tour

The Christmas season holds such a mix of emotions. There is happiness and joy and nostalgia and stress.

Every year I think, “This is the year the yard is going to be decked out in a whole Christmas lights show!”

I’m still waiting for that year!

This Christmas held lots of emotions for us. After the hurricane, we lost all of October with clean-up, insurance adjusters, and lots of frustration…all of which is still ongoing.

Mom and Dad moved in with us because their house was heavily damaged. That took a lot of time, effort, and another whole range of emotions.

Grayson the cat laying by Christmas tree

Things were a little ugly in the area, with so much debris on the side of the roads. Thankfully, most of that was picked up last week.

So the Christmas spirit hasn’t been front and center for us and time has been tight.

Nonetheless, right after Thanksgiving, Mom helped me decorate the Christmas tree.

Mona and Mom decorating the Chrsitmas Tree

We did a girls’ shopping day, with my sister and aunt.

And I finally bought a Christmas tree for the front porch! I even found the perfect Christmas Tree Stand that we repurposed from some trash we found on the side of the road! I still go out and just look at it because it is so PERFECT!

Front porch Christmas tree stand DIY

Things started looking up!

We have family starting to roll into town this weekend, so that might help kick the Christmas spirit into full gear!

What do you do to get into the Christmas spirit? I always love hearing how people prepare and celebrate!

So on with the tour!

The Christmas Tree

We bought our tree last year and it is beautiful! It’s 7.5 feet tall and has 2,250 LED microlights on it! They still make the same Christmas tree but now it has 1,500 lights instead of the 2,250 but it’s still beautiful!

I could only dream of ever putting that many lights on a real tree! It twinkles, it changes color, and it is stunning!

Two of our neighbors, who are not putting up Christmas trees this year, said they enjoyed looking at ours from their house since they will be without.

They also had significant hurricane damage and because of the timing of their repairs, they decided to skip decorating. So, if my tree makes them happy, that makes me happy.

Aqua Christmas tree ornament with white beads as snow

I mixed some coastal starfish with some more traditional items. Last year, I tried to stay away from the reds. But this year, I am accepting that red can be incorporated. It does not have to be the main color scheme but can act as an accent throughout.

Starfish Christmas ornament

I made several of the ornaments on the tree. Time is running short but here are 5 Christmas ornaments you can make today!

5 Easy Christmas ornaments

There is still time!

You can still throw together an impromptu Christmas ornament-making day!

Foyer Chest of Drawers

Our floor plan is somewhat open so this chest of drawers is kinda in the foyer and kinda in the living room.

Foyer Christmas decorations with snowflake over mirror

Either way, I felt it needed to have a little extra Christmas attention.

I found this Merry Christmas glitter sign and the birds on our girls’ shopping trip.

Foyer Christmas decorations with birds, starfish and Merry Christmas sign

I thought they would be just perfect there!

Since Mom and Dad were here, I wanted to incorporate some of their Christmas decorations. We can’t get to most of it, but there were a few things we were able to pull in.

The beaded tree is one of those items and it looks great with the birds and the sign!

As an afterthought, I put a glittered snowflake over the mirror. I have always felt we needed a bigger mirror there and the snowflake gives it a little extra height.

I’m thinking the mirror might be something to work on next year!!!

Next to the chest of drawers is the Otto the otter, who has moved with us three times. It’s amazing how you can add to the Christmas spirit with Santa hats.

Otter decorated for Christmas

The Dining Room

The dining room is where our butler lives. He has been with us forever and has been in our last two dining rooms.

Butler in dining room decorated for Christmas

I didn’t think I was going to put him there again, but Greg insisted and said, “he’s part of the family”.

So there he stands in all his Christmas glory!

The Front Porch

The front porch has the Santa head that I have also had for so many years and is one of my favorite Christmas decorations.

Santa head porch decorations for Christmas

Along with Santa is the 7-foot cashmere slim tree that was decorated with more of the traditional red Christmas ornaments and glass garland that didn’t make the cut on the main tree.

Little Girl ornament on Christmas tree

I added the basket by the Christmas tree stand that I mentioned earlier. The basket is full of glittered pine cones. Did I mention, the pine cones and the basket were both curbside finds? They are now beautiful additions to my Christmas decorations!

Glittered pine cone basket

The final additions to the porch this year are my Snowman Candleholders! I added these solar candles and they are on all night, from dusk until dawn!

The Kitchen

The kitchen only has a few accents. There is an elf nestled among some pine trees.

Wood carved elf among christmas trees

I have a gold reindeer and poinsettia on the upper cabinets.

Reindeer Christmas decoration on kitchen cabinet

A skiing snowman is keeping guard over Dad’s rumtopf, which should be ready in time for Christmas!

Snowman and Dad's Rumtopf

The Living Room

In the family room, we kept it kind of simple. We have a place for the Christmas cards as they roll in.

Mom and Dad’s advent wreath, which I grew up with, is on the coffee table.

Scandanavian Advent Wreath

I have a couple of snowmen that I made so many years ago nestled here and there. I made those as place cards for Christmas one year and everyone could take theirs home.

Snowman craft that I used as placecards

Over by our bar cabinet are the angel I made out of recycled materials, the angel bell that my aunt gave me when I was a kid (from Wieboldts), and my whimsical Christmas tree.

Angels and whimsical Christmas tree with a whale

Christmas Outside

Out front, our turtle is also donning a Santa hat.

Turtle wearing Santa hat in yard

And my newly finished huge Christmas ornament is on display! Keep an eye out for that project! You won’t believe what I made it out of!

Oversized Joy Christmas Ornament recycled project

That’s as far as we got this year. Maybe next year will be:

The year the yard is decked out in a whole Christmas lights show!”

Here’s to hoping and dreaming!

Christmas Tree in living room

I have a few more Christmas projects still in the works! So stay tuned for those! Spoiler: Two of the involve garbage-picked items!

Decorated Christmas tree lit up at night

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Wishing you and yours all the best and an AMAZING New Year!


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