How to Make Bead People Craft Tutorial

I used to make these years ago just because it was fun! I came across some of them and thought you might enjoy making them! So I am going to show you how to make bead people.

I made them as pins, but they can be tied to a package, or used as an ornament.  These are just a few of them. You can see more in the video.

How to Make Bead People Materials

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How to Make Bead People Video Tutorial

Directions on How To Make Bead People

Step 1

Cut a length of wire approximately twice the length you want your bead person to be. You are going to fold it in half and you already have legs.

How to make bead people | Cut wire for bead people body

Step 2

String on jewelry finding for a crown or go right for the head bead.

add jewelry finding for crown

Step 3

Then, add other beads for the body and legs. You can add different colors and size beads for the knees. Also, add a bigger bead for the feet.

How to make bead people | Add beads for the body and legs

Step 4

Twist the wire at the end to secure the beads.

Bend wire to attach the beads for the feet

Step 5

Take a length of wire and wrap it around the neck. Twist it a couple of times, so it’s secure. Those will be the arms.

Wrap wire around the neck for the arms

Step 6

Add beads again for the arms, elbows, and hands. Secure the end of the wire to hold the beads in place.

How to make bead people | Add a pin finding to the back of the bead people

That’s it! Now, you know how to make bead people!

how to make bead people | Finished bead person

If you want to add hair, I just took my wire and wrapped it around a skewer to make the curly hair, and then I attached it to the head.

You can make all kinds of bead people!

Chubby bead person
10 bead person

If you like bead crafts, I have a few you might enjoy!

I have a Bead Coaster where they are embedded in resin, which is a cool look!

I also have an easy Bead Coaster, which involves stringing beads! Very zen!

If you like making people, consider making a Pistachio People Coaster!

Bead People You Can Buy!

If you don’t have time to make them, I found some amazing handmade versions you can buy!

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Thanks for stopping by!

Remember: Life’s too short not to shimmer, so grab your glue gun and your glitter!™ Stay safe!


2 thoughts on “How to Make Bead People Craft Tutorial”

  1. Mona, these are so cute! I remember making something similar with my sister as kids. Now, I know what I will be making at our weekly craft night! Thanks for the tutorial and Happy Crafting!


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