Garbage To Gorgeous® Episode #22: Pallet to Coastal Decor Makeover | Craft Klatch

It’s time for another Garbage to Gorgeous® and today we are taking a pallet and turning into coastal decor!  It’s an easy and inexpensive diy project!

Here is a quick video tutorial, so you can see exactly how I made them:

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You will need:
Pallet slats cut to approximately 14 inches
Thin trim
Acrylic paint – here are the colors I used:
Light ivory:
Large sand dollars:
Small sand dollars (sea biscuits):  
1.  We found an old pallet and cut the slats.

2.  We found some thin trim, cut it to size and glued and nailed it to the back of the slats.

3.  We sanded them, edges and all.

4.  I painted them white and gray acrylic paint.  Then, with a damp paper towel, wiped them off.

5.  We glued on sand dollars and star fish.

That’s it!  Now you can hang them on the walls as coastal decor!  I used them in a bathroom, but the can be put anywhere.

Thanks for stopping by!  Remember:  Life’s too short not to shimmer, so grab your glue gun and your glitter!™  Stay safe!


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