Garbage to Gorgeous Episode #10: Dining Room Makeover – Craigslist Freebies DIY!

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Using Craigslist freebies I did a dining room makeover on a budget!!  I took a table and four chairs that were not meant to be together and turned them into a boutiquey chic set!  I’ll show you how!

Who doesn’t love free stuff, right?  Well I love scouring Craigslist.  The progression seems to be:

FOR SALE….FREESTUFF…..CURB ALERT!  I try to catch it before it turns into CURB ALERT, because I figure I would never be the first one there.  Be sure to check out the quick video below!

The table was from a nearby town and the people were moving.  It had been poorly painted and used as a craft table in a laundry room.  I liked the shape and the size.  The chairs were actually really close by and the people were also moving.  Both the table and chairs were one day away from being put out at the curb for garbage day and that would have been a shame!

*Note:  Always be careful when you are going to buy or sell something from Craigslist.  We’ve all heard the stories, so be smart and be safe about it.  Most people are honest and good, just don’t fall victim to the not good.

You will need (affiliate links):

–  A wood dining room table
–  Four chairs with cushions
–  Fabric to recover cushions – I used a duck cloth.
–  Paint stripper:
–  White chalk paint:
–  Finishing wax:
–  Ebony stain with polyurethane (if you can find it) or you can polyurethane separately: 
–  Staple gun:
–  Odorless mineral spirits:
–  Sandpaper:

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Be sure to pick up your copy today!!

Here is the video tutorial:


1.  Strip the table.  I like Citristrip – this is not sponsored.  I just prefer not to burn my skin off with other paint strippers.

2.  Clean off with mineral spirits and let it dry.

3.  I used an ebony stain with polyurethane already in it.  It saved me a step.  I sanded between coats and it will likely take a minimum of two coats.

4.  I painted the legs of the table a chalky white.  That took two coats.

Declutter Fast – How To Get Your Home In Order Almost Immediately!   Click Here!

5.  I removed the seats from the chairs and put them aside.

6.  I painted the chairs with the same chalky white paint.  That took three coats.

7.  I used sandpaper to distress the edges of the table base and the chairs.

8.  I used wax to seal the chalky painted areas.

9.  I took off the old fabric from the chairs and recovered them with a new duck cloth.  The pattern is a medium to dark gray.   Be sure to pull the fabric tight when stapling and take a little extra time to get the corners neat.

10.  Reattach to the chairs.  

That’s it!  I hope you like the transformation!  Thanks for stopping by!  

Remember:  Life’s too short not to shimmer, so grab your glue gun and your glitter!™  Stay Safe!


Be sure to check out more 
Garbage to Gorgeous® Episodes HERE:

7 thoughts on “Garbage to Gorgeous Episode #10: Dining Room Makeover – Craigslist Freebies DIY!”

  1. Love to see before and after pictures of a project. What a beautiful job you have done on the dining room set. Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop! I hope you’ll join us again next week!

    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick

  2. Love these! Keep more of these episodes coming.
    I'm moving into my first "real" apartment next month and am trying to save so money and love to DIY!

    • Thanks Brenda! I'm glad you like it! Just keep one eye on the curb and another on Craigslist! You are sure to find great stuff!



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