Coastal Lamp Makeover | Beach Decor | Garbage to Gorgeous #23 [Video]

Don’t trash those outdated lamps! Give them an easy makeover! Take them from 90’s grape lamp to a beautiful coastal lamp! It’s a fun beach decor DIY!

We bought a neighbor’s house fully furnished and rented it for a two years before my parents purchased it from us,

Some of the decor had a very 90’s feel, including these grape lamps.

Here is the lamp before. Initially, I thought I might paint it and do a major redo. The more I thought about it, the more I realized it didn’t need a total makeover!

Coastal lamp makeover before

It’s a great quality lamp, very sturdy. The actual base color is very coastal with a washed-out feel.

I realized, the problem lies in the grapes and the shade.

Then, I got excited!

That’s an EASY fix!

Supplies Needed for the Coastal Lamp Makeover

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Coastal Lamp Beach Decor Video Tutorial

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Beach Decor Coastal Lamp Makeover Directions

Step 1

I removed all the leaves and berries from the lamp and am getting ready to turn it into a coastal lamp.

Remove all the leaves and berries to get it ready for the beach decor style

Step 2

I added rope and attached it with hot glue. This is the start of giving it the beach decor feel.

Remove all the leaves and berries

Step 3

I glued on a small starfish to start giving it that coastal lamp feel.

I glued a starfish on a lamp to give it the beach decor feel.

Step 4

I trimmed the ends of the rope.

I trimmed the ends of the rope

Step 5

I glued small sea biscuits onto the ends of the rope and put on a new lampshade. With the little coastal accents, it has a nice beach decor feel without screaming it.

I glued small sea biscuits to the ends of the rope for a little beach decor style

Viola! A very beachy makeover! It’s about as easy as a makeover can get!

Completed coastal lamp makeover that had a definite beach decor feel

If You Love Coastal Decor and Other Beachy Stuff…

I have a few other projects beside the coastal lamp that will appeal to beach loving soul!

Other Coastal Decor You Are Gonna Love!

You know I love making stuff, but I like to shop for home decor too! Look at the coastal stuff I found! I could barely contain myself at how much great stuff I found!

I could have added so much more!

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That’s it! Thanks so much for stopping by! Remember: Life’s too short not to shimmer, so grab your glue gun and your glitter!™ Stay safe!


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