Flamingo Seashell Mosaic How To ~ Craft Klatch Beach Crafting with Nature Series DIY

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Time for another seashell beach craft!  This time it’s made with those little shells you find on the beach that burrow into the sand, right at the water’s edge.  I don’t take any live ones. There are tons that are already open and dried out waiting for you to make a beautiful project!  

You will need:
–  Wood plaque:  https://amzn.to/23iN1qQ
–  Small shells in pink and gray/black
–  Grout – I used charcoal, I would recommend white or sand colored
–  If you use charcoal grout, you might need some watered down white acrylic paint
–  A sharks tooth
–  Blue acrylic paint:  https://amzn.to/1rN5KzA
–  Green acrylic paint:  https://amzn.to/1rcN6jY
–  Triple Thick – spray or brush on:  https://amzn.to/1SXeGhH
–  Old sponge or paper towels
–  Sheer pink nail polish (optional)

Here is the video tutorial:

1.  Paint the plaque blue, with a green border.  This will take at least two coats.
2.  Arrange your shells on the plaque, in the shape of a flamingo.  I only did the neck and head.  
3.  Once you have it laid out as you would like, one by one glue the shells into place.  Allow to dry.
4.  Put painter’s tape around the flamingo, to protect the blue and green paint.
5.  Mix grout and apply to the flamingo.  Make sure to squeeze it between the shells.  **Follow the directions on your grout.  Scrape off the excess, let it sit for a couple of minutes and then remove with a damp sponge or paper towel.  Let it dry for a couple of hours and then with a soft cloth, polish off the haze.  This will be messy.
6.  While still wet, carefully remove the painter’s tape.
7.  If you used a white or sand colored grout, you can skip this step.  If you used charcoal colored grout and you like it, you can skip this step.  If you used charcoal colored grout and it just looked too harsh (like I did), then you need to water down some white acrylic paint and paint it over the grout lines.  Immediately wipe off any that gets on the shells.  Allow to dry.
8.  My shells also needed a little more vibrance, so I took a sheer pink nail polish and painted it over only the shells that would be pink.  I left the gray/black ones alone.
9.  I would suggest finishing it off with some Triple Thick spray.  It was too rainy, cold and humid for me to do that, so I went with the brush on Triple Thick.  Either way, finish it off and you have an art piece that was made with your beach memories!

Thanks for stopping by!  Remember, Life’s too short not to shimmer, so grab your glue gun and your glitter!!  Stay safe!!


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