Fish Stickers and Aquarium Rocks Coaster Craft Tutorial

It was suggested by one of my YouTube subscribers to use aquarium rocks in one of my coasters.  I thought it was a great idea and did that and added a few fish stickers for fun.

You will need:

– egg mold (I will post how to make one later in this post)
–  Resin – I use Easy Cast
–  Plastic/puffy fish stickers
–  Aquarium rocks

Here is the video tutorial:

Here is the tutorial on how to make the mold:


1.  Prepare your mold
2.  Prepare your resin
3.  Pour some resin into a smaller cup and mix in a small batch of aquarium rocks.
4.  Pour resin covered rocks into the mold and spread them around so they cover the bottom.
5.  Add fish stickers and pour next layer of resin, so the fish are covered.
6.  Allow to cure for 12 hours.
7.  Remove from mold.

Now you have a cute fish coaster to brighten up your decor!

Thanks for stopping by and happy crafting!


Here is the resin I used:

3 thoughts on “Fish Stickers and Aquarium Rocks Coaster Craft Tutorial”

  1. I thought it was a great idea and did that and added a few fish stickers for fun.
    thanks for sharing.aquarium installation new york


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