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I was asked by a few people to do Emoticon or Emoji coasters, so I did!

You will need:
– Resin (I used Envirotex Lite, but Easy Cast would work well too)
– Laser printer (optional)
Here is the video tutorial:
1. Prepare two ounces of resin, according to the package directions.
2. Mix in white pigment.
3. Pour half into one cavity of the coaster mold and the rest a second cavity.
4. Take a straw and blow the bubbles to pop them. You can use a lighter, but it might leave smoke marks on the white resin.
5. Allow to cure a minimum of 12 hours.
6. Print your images on the transparency film and cut to size.
* If you want to see how to do it without the transparency film, you can find an example in this video:
7. Prepare two more ounces of resin and pour over the white resin that has set.
9. Pop bubbles with a lighter or straw.
10. Slide your pieces into the resin and press down with your stir stick. Make sure you press out all the bubbles from under the transparency film.
11. Pop bubbles as needed.
12. Allow to cure a minimum of 12 hours.
That’s it! Thanks for stopping by! Happy Crafting and stay safe!