Emoji Poop Coaster DIY ~ Another Coaster Friday ~ Craft Klatch

So there is an Emoji Movie and in honor of it, I thought I would make an emoji poop coaster!

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You will need:
Coaster mold:  https://amzn.to/2ufrokB
Clear resin:  https://amzn.to/2viUtbL
Transparency film:  https://amzn.to/2ufryIJ
Circle cutter:  https://amzn.to/2tkXruU
Optional:  white resin pigment:  https://amzn.to/2viWaGs
White curing resin:  https://amzn.to/2ufHdYB

Here is the video tutorial:


1.  I brushed a copper pigment powder in the mold to give it a brown tint.

2.  I mixed one ounce of resin, according to the package directions.  If you are doing clear resin, you can add a white pigment.  Or you can also use a resin that cures white.  Or you can pour a clear or colored background and let it cure, then paint it white before adding the next layer.
3.  I poured it into the mold, popped the bubbles and let it cure.  

Cure time is dependent on which resin you use.

4.  While that was curing, I printed out the emoji poop on transparency film.

5.  Then, I cut it out with my circle cutter.

6.  Once the resin had cured, I mixed one ounce of clear resin.   Poured it into the mold, on top of the white resin.

7.  I popped the bubbles with my lighter.
8.  I gently slid my emoji poop into the resin and pressed it down with my stir stick.  

Be sure to keep pressing until you have all the bubbles pressed out.
9.  I took my lighter and popped the bubbles.

10.  Allow it to cure for at least 12 hours before unmolding.
That’s it!  Now you have a adorable Emoji Poop Coaster!!!
Remember:  Life’s too short not to shimmer, so grab your glue gun and your glitter!™  Stay safe!


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