Easter Bunny Pillow Cover | Easter Crafts | Cricut Crafts | Craft Klatch

If you enjoy doing Cricut projects for your home decor, here is an Easter craft that involves the Easter bunny! Even though I made it for Easter, it would also be adorable for a nursery or kids bedroom decor.  This is an easy Cricut iron-on vinyl tutorial. I go through all the steps!

Supplies You Will Need

Here is a quick video tutorial, so you can see exactly how I made it:

1.  I went into Cricut Design Space.

2.  I typed in bunny and selected the one I wanted.

3.  I selected the bunny and sized it to the desired size.  

Specifically to 10″ x 8.2″.

4.  You can select your material color, but since this is a single cut project, it is optional.

5.  I clicked on shape and selected the circle.

6.  I sized the circle and placed it on the bunny, where I thought the bunny should be.

7.  I clicked on the bunny and the circle and clicked attach.  

8.  I put my material on my mat and cut the project.

9.  I removed the excess vinyl.

10.  I figured out my placement on the pillow cover.

11.  I warmed up the fabric.

12.  I placed down the iron on.

13.  I put an old, thin towel down and ironed over it.

14.  Then, I ironed on the back.

15.  I then ironed directly on the plastic.

16.  If there is a spot that is not sticking well, use the tip of your iron and heat it some more.

17.  Carefully remove the plastic.

18.  I tied a bow with pink ribbon. 

19.  I added glue and attached it to the bunny.

20.  I did the same with the pom pom tail.

That’s it!  Now you have a cute bunny pillow that can cover your couch throw pillows!

Bunny Pillow Alternatives

If you don’t have time to make the bunny pillow, here are some AMAZING bunny pillow alternatives that I am eyeing to put on my couch!

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Thanks so much for stopping by!  Happy Easter and remember:  Life’s too short not to shimmer, so grab your glue gun and your glitter!™  Stay safe!


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