2. Cut it out with your circle cutter or scissors. You want it to be just over four inches.

3. Crinkle up the foil.

4. Then uncrinkle it.

5. Mix six ounces of resin.

6. Add your colors and mix well. I have the colors listed above, but you can customize them for any decor. I used two pigments (bright pink and transparent green) made for resin and I used a blue pigment powder.

7. Pour them into the molds.

8. Press down your foil, into the resin.

9. Pop your bubbles.

10. Then repeat with the other colors…

11. Let them cure for a minimum of 12 hours.

12. Remove them from the mold. The pigment powder left it a bit cloudy on the front.

But the back was a little clearer.

The pink and green are nice and clear and vibrant!

That’s it! Now you have some beautiful coasters!
Thanks for stopping by! Remember: Life’s too short not to shimmer, so grab your glue gun and your glitter!™ Stay safe!

How do you finish off the edges?