Cocktail Recipe Coasters DIY ~ Another Coaster Friday

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Today we are making Cocktail Recipe Coasters!  I found these cute images at  They have cute cocktails on them and the ingredients, so you can make it yourself!

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I made two versions.  I made two with transparency film and two with card stock and Mod Podge.

You will need:
–  Resin (I used Easy Cast, but Envirotex Lite works too)
–  Images (mine were from
–  Card stock or transparency film
–  I printed my images with a laser printer
–  Glitter
–  Fiskars cutter – optional
–  Color laser printer – optional

Here is the video tutorial:

Directions for the transparency film coaster:
1.  Print out your images on transparency film.  If you don’t have a laser printer, you can also have the image printed at a copy store. 
2.  Cut out the transparency to fit into the coaster mold.
3.  Mix your resin according to the package directions.  For the first layer, each coaster needs one ounce.
4.  Mix in white pigment and pour into the mold.
5.  With a straw, blow any bubbles, so they pop.
6.  Allow to cure a minimum of 12 hours.
7.  Mix more resin – one ounce for each coaster would be enough.
8.  Pour into mold – over the white layer.  
9.  Slide in your image.  
10.  With your stir stick, press down the image and push out any bubbles.
11.  Allow to cure and that’s it!

Directions for the Mod Podge coaster:
1.  Mix resin, according to the package directions.
2.  Mix in white resin pigment.
3.  Pour into molds and allow to cure a minimum of 12 hours.  
4.  Take the images that were printed on card stock or paper and use your high gloss Mod Podge.  Brush the Mod Podge on the resin, making sure to cover the whole surface.
5.  Brush Mod Podge on the back of the image.
6.  Put the image down and Mod Podge the front of the image.
7.  Allow it all to completely dry and do a second coat.
8.  I decided to hide the edge of the paper, where it met the resin.  It blended pretty well, but I wanted to make it better.  I decided it should have a sugar or salt rim, just like the actual cocktail would have.  You can see it on the margarita and the strawberry daiquiri.
9.  I mixed white chunky glitter, with the Mod Podge and added a little yellow glitter for the margarita and a tiny bit of red and pink glitter to the strawberry daiquiri.  Then with my stir stick and toothpick, I put it along the edges of the mold.  Remember everything needs to fully dry before adding resin.
10.  Once dry, prepare more resin to pour over the top and make a level coaster.

That’s it!  Thanks for stopping by!  Remember and we’ll see you next time!  Happy Crafting and stay safe!


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