Coastal Scrapbook Paper Tile Coasters DIY | Another Coaster Friday | Craft Klatch

Learn how to make coastal coasters using inexpensive tiles and scrapbook paper.  It’s a coastal craft tutorial!  I went coastal and these were the papers I liked, but you can certainly customize the coasters with your home decor and the scrapbook papers available has something for everyone!

Here is a quick video tutorial, so you can see exactly how I made them:

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You will need:
Rubbing Alcohol:
Dishwasher Mod Podge:

Fun Scrapbook paper:


1.  I cleaned the tiles, with rubbing alcohol and let them dry.

2.  I found some coastal scrapbook paper.

3.  I traced around the tile, on the back of the paper, so I had the perfect size.

4.  I cut out the the squares.

5.  I brushed the Mod Podge onto the tile.  

6.  I also brushed the Mod Podge onto the back of the paper.

7.  I places the paper onto the tile.

8.  Then, I brushed the Mod Podge onto the top of the paper.

9.  I used my finger to rub is down really well, so there were no bubbles.  Then, I did a follow up brush.  I would suggest two or three coats, so it is well sealed.

TIP:  For a nice smooth finish, water down the Mod Podge and/or your brush and it should smooth everything right out.

10.  I cut out a piece of cork, to fit the back of the tiles.

Then you have some simple coastal coasters!

That’s it!  Thanks for stopping by!  Remember:  Life’s too short not to shimmer, so grab your glue gun and your glitter!™  Stay safe!


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