Beer Brats & Sauerkraut! Super Bowl Recipe with Video!

Are you looking for a crowd-pleaser for your Super Bowl party, Oktoberfest, or summer picnic? This is it!! These are the best damn beer brats and sauerkraut you will ever have!

The recipe for the brats is from my husband and the sauerkraut is from my mom.

This is party and comfort food. It tastes good, but I’m not going to pretend it’s healthy….but then who wants healthy food for the Super Bowl?!??!?!?! You can have a salad tomorrow.

You can make these the day before and just heat them up and have them be ready for people to eat. No need for anyone to be stuck manning the grill all day!!

This recipe is for 12 brats, but you can easily expand this recipe to make as many as you need!

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Ingredients You Will Need

  • 12 Brats
  • Sauerkraut – I used a 24 oz can and a 14 oz can
  • Bacon – How much bacon your use is at your discretion.
  • Onions – five large – any kind you want
  • Butter – a stick and a quarter
  • 1 Apple – any kind
  • Beer – feel free to use cans of inexpensive beer

Here is the Video Tutorial for the Beer Brats and Sauerkraut

Directions: How to Make Beer Brats

1.  Peel and cut four of your onions. Cut them into thick slices and put them in a large pot.

Knife in right hand ready to cut red onion on cutting board
Sliced onions
Onions sliced and in a big pot

2.  Add a full stick of butter.

Unwrapping butter and putting it in pot with sliced onions for the beer brats

3.  Add beer. You need enough beer to cover the onions and the brats. You will be adding later. Put it on the stove, over medium heat, and let it start to heat up and cook, while you prepare the brats.

Add bottle of beer to onions and butter in cooking pot for beer brats
Onions, beer and butter cooking in pot

4.  Take your brats and brown them on the grill. You don’t need to cook them all the way through, but you do want them browned. They will cook further in the beer, making them beer brats.

Cooking brats on grill for beer brats

5.  Add to the onions, beer, and butter. Allow it to come to a boil and then lower to a simmer. Feel free to let it simmer for two to five hours.  

Beer brats in beer in cookin pot on stove

While the brats are cooking, you can start on the sauerkraut. This too can be made the day before. If you are making either dish the day before, be sure to refrigerate it overnight and then heat it up just before the party.

Directions: How to Make Sauerkraut

Now that the beer brats are underway, it’s time to get started on the sauerkraut!

1.  Put your sauerkraut into a strainer. Rinse the sauerkraut well with cold water and let it drain. How long you rinse it depends on how sour you want it to be.

Rinsing sauerkraut in sink

2.  While the sauerkraut is draining, cut up an onion and put it into a pot. The onions should be chopped pretty small.

Cutting onions for sauerkraut

3.  Add a quarter stick of butter.

Onions, butter and bacon in cooking pot

4.  Add bacon. The bacon should also be cut small.

Cutting bacon for beer brats

5.  Have the bacon, onion and butter heating up on a medium heat, until the bacon starts to brown. Then, add sauerkraut.

Carmelized onions and bacon in cooking pot

6.  Peel and chop the apple. Add half of or the whole apple to the sauerkraut.

Chopped apples on cutting board with knife

7.  Heat until the apples are soft.  

Sauerkraut, onions, apples and bacon in cooking pot on stove

That’s it! Serve it up any way you like! Be sure to have buns, mustard, and ketchup on hand! People can use the sauerkraut as a side dish, or put it on top of the beer brats as a condiment!

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Beer Brats and Sauerkraut

Beer brats and sauerkraut

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