I was asked to make a Batman coaster, for one of my subscriber’s birthdays. So…that is what I did!
Materials You Will Need
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- Coaster Mold
- Chunky black glitter
- Fine silver glitter
- Fine dark blue glitter
- Black marker
- Bat signal emblem – I printed it using a laser printer, on card stock. If you want to use an inkjet printer, I would suggest doing a little research on how best to keep the ink from smearing.
- Super Gloss Mod Podge
- Color laser printer
- Resin
- When deciding on which resin to use for your coasters, you need to keep in mind whether you want it just for cold cups or for hot ones as well.
- If only for cold drinks, you can be flexible and use whatever brand you like:
- If you want it to work for both hot and cold drinks, you need to look for a heat-resistant resin, like these:
- FX Poxy ~ According to the manufacturer, this one is heat resistant to 500° F.
- Stone Coat
Here is the Video Tutorial
1. Prepare your resin according to the package directions.
2. Add chunky black glitter, a little fine silver glitter and a little fine dark blue glitter. Mix well.
3. Pour the mixture into your mold. Allow to cure at least 12 hours.
4. Find a Batman symbol or bat signal and print it out, or cut it out of a magazine, use a napkin, or wherever you may find one. I used a laser printer and card stock to create mine. I cut it out and used a black Sharpie marker to color the edge because I didn’t want there to be a white edge that would be seen when you apply it to the black glitter background.
5. Once the resin has cured, take your Mod Podge and apply it to the back of the bat signal and on the whole face of the coaster. Place the bat signal on the coaster and apply more Mod Podge on the front of the bat signal.
6. When everything is covered, use your finger to smooth it down and/or reposition it.
7. Allow it to COMPLETELY DRY! Do two additional coats to make sure everything is sealed. FYI: You want to do multiple coats so the paper is sealed and the resin won’t create dark spots on the paper. You want to make sure the Mod Podge COMPLETELY DRIES, otherwise you will have a permanent cloudy film that will never go away.
8. Prepare more resin and pour over the coaster.
9. Allow to cure.
10. Unmold.
BAM! POW! ZAP! Another coaster for your collection!

Other Fun Coasters You Will Love!
Other Superhero Coasters You Can Buy!
Thanks for stopping by! Remember: Life’s too short not to shimmer, so grab your glue gun and your glitter!™ Stay safe!
Hi Mona my name is Karen. I am not a crafty kinda person but I really wanna make these for my boyfriend. I unfortunately get very confused with this craft when it comes to the easycast. It says you can only do 6 ounces max. So when you get started with your first pore it should be 3 ounces and after you do the rest of the list you pore the remaining 3 ounces to finish the coaster? I'm sorry it's a stupid question.
Not stupid at all! You should only mix six ounces of Easy Cast at one time, otherwise it won't get mixed properly. For this coaster, you will use only about two ounces. So it will be one ounce for the first glitter layer. Then you Mod Podge the the emblem and once that is completely dry, you add a final one ounce to seal it off. Hope that helps!
Hi Mona, sorry if i might ask you a stupid question, but what products or what kind of colors do you use ? Is it a normal paintful colors that we use it to color by? Sorry but i really dont understand what did you put over each other to let be the end like this? Handling each other?