About Me

Welcome to Craft Klatch! Pull up a chair and we’ll make something!

Hi! My name is Mona. I started my YouTube channel and blog to share my love of crafting and DIY with YOU! If you are looking for something fun and unique, you will find it here! There are projects and ideas for all ages. I do furniture makeovers, recycling projects, home decor, jewelry, and lots of resin! If you need a holiday craft, I have tons and tons to choose from! Join me for tips and inspiration!

So who am I?

I don’t think there is much to tell. I’m pretty simple and low maintenance (Greg may or may not have just rolled his eyes at low maintenance…what does he know?). To give you a general feel of who I am, I’ll share 23 random things about me.

23 Things About Me That You Don’t Necessarily Want Or Need To Know!

1. I was a journalism major, but spent 25 years as a residential real estate appraiser before going full-time with Craft Klatch.

2. I LOVE to make things but don’t always know what to do with them after I do. My sister has talked about starting an Etsy shop on my behalf, so she does not one day find me buried under all my projects…covered in paint, glitter, and resin. Just think how pretty I’d be!

3. I might hoard crafting supplies…but not intentionally and I don’t really think it’s “a problem”. After all, nobody has staged a hoarding intervention with me…yet. 😳

4. I desperately want to be organized, but realize I must have a genetic predisposition that prevents me from being the organized person I dream about.

5. I have hazel eyes, but I always wanted them to be blue.

6. I was a big scary movie fan when I was younger, but now they kind of really freak me out. Now, I prefer a comedy or feel-good movie. I did LOVE the latest A Star Is Born. It really stuck with me for a long time but depressed me too. I want to watch it again, but I’m afraid to because I feel like it broke me a little. #ThanksAlotBradleyCooper

7. I love the smell of vanilla. I told you I was pretty simple and low maintenance.

8. The furthest I have ever traveled was to Tahiti for our honeymoon. In case you haven’t met him yet, I’m married to Greg.

9. I have no special talents. I’m a jack-of-all-trades-but-master-of-none type of person.

10. I am an animal lover. I love all animals, but if you are a creepy animal, I would prefer to appreciate you from afar. 

11. Cats love me and I love them too. I have never gone to adopt a pet, cats just show up at my door.

Spooky was my first and she was with us for 15 years. I’m still heartbroken…😔


Pouffy was abandoned in the middle of January in the suburbs of Chicago. He found us (he was literally skin and bones) and has been with us for many years – now healthy, loved and happy.


Grayson, who wanted absolutely NOTHING to do with people, but wanted to be friends with Spooky and Pouffy, has now become Mr. Social Lovebug.


12. Two of my favorite YouTubers are Jenny Chan of Origami Tree and Cinnamon Cooney -The Art Sherpa. They are two of the nicest people you’ll ever meet.

13. I have no fashion sense, much to my mother’s chagrin. I tend to keep it simple. If I could live out the rest of my life in shorts, a tank top, and flip-flops…I would.

14. I am deeply ingrained in the Apple culture. Please don’t make me use your PC….I’m talking to you, Greg.

15. One of my bad habits is not putting things back where I found them. I’m usually pretty good, but not in my craft room. Seems distracting and like a lot of effort when I’m trying to accomplish watching paint dry.

16. I have a good relationship with my parents. In fact, they live next door.

17. I am by nature an introvert, especially in large groups. One-on-one…I bring it.

18. I have a lot of favorite quotes, but I believe things in life come to you when you need them – you just have to be open to them. While watching Shark Week, Will Smith said, “God places the greatest things in life on the other side of your fears.” It came to me at a time I really needed to hear it. Thank you Fresh Prince!

19. If I could live anyplace in the world, I would live on a tropical island that is quiet and private, with all the modern amenities, like internet, running (hot) water, and a fire department that has an ambulance (can you tell I’m getting older?).

20. Three things that annoy me:

  • Being late
  • Lying
  • Being lazy

21. Three things that make me happy:

  • Love
  • Kindness
  • My cats

22. I hope to wake up one morning and my hair has gone straight to white. I’d like to skip the blah in-between gray phase, so I can put a fun streak of color in my hair.

23. I am a huge Survivor fan…like a never-missed-an-episode-since-day-one kind of fan. I’d go on it in a heartbeat and I’d craft the best fake immunity necklace EVER! I’d work really hard, but I think I might cry a lot too…I mean…not ALL 39 days…Probably…. #JeffProbstMakeMeCry #JeffProbstCallMe

That’s about as interesting as I get!

Thank you for stopping by! I hope you stick around a while. Everyone is welcome, we are all friends here! I hope you find a project or a hundred that you enjoy!

For business inquiries, drop me an e-mail at craftklatch@gmail.com

Life’s too short not to shimmer, so grab your glue gun and your glitter!™ Stay safe!

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