DIY Faux Sea Glass Dragonfly How To

I tried my dragonfly mold with bold colors in my DIY Dragonfly Embellishment project, but I wanted to give the mold another go. I wanted to try a more subdued sea glass dragonfly look.

Supplies You Will Need To Make The Sea Glass Dragonfly

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  • Resin:
  • When deciding on which resin to use, there are a lot of qualities that might be appealing, UV resistant, price, heat resistance, etc. Just make sure to select a resin that fits your needs.
  • Use whatever brand you like:
  • Easy Cast  
  • Art Resin
  • Let’s Resin
  • Promise Epoxy
  • These are heat resistant resins:
  • FX Poxy
  • Stone Coat

Here is the Sea Glass Dragonfly Video Tutorial

Sea Glass Dragonfly Directions

Step 1

Prepare your resin according to the package directions. You only need a little. Mix in a small amount of blue India ink.

You don’t want to make it too dark. I used a popsicle stick and stuck it into the India ink and then put it in the resin. I didn’t want to chance pouring the ink into the resin and going too dark.

Dip stir stick into the blue India ink

Step 2

Carefully drip or pour the blue into the dragonfly wings and body. Some will leak out to the trim area.  You can go further and fill that up too. It’s up to you. Allow it to cure for 12 hours.

Pour the blue resin into the area of the mold that is the dragonfly

Step 3

Make more resin and mix in some white India ink and pour it into the mold. Allow it to cure a minimum of 12 hours before removing it from the mold.

Mix white into the resin
Pour white resin into the mold to create the background for the sea glass dragonfly

That’s it! The blue is subtle, but you can see it better in person than in the picture.

Finished resin sea glass dragonfly

Have fun with it! I’d LOVE to see what you make! Be sure to share it over on my Craft Klatch Facebook Group! It’s Free! ❤️

Faux Sea Glass Dragonfly copy

See how I used it to do a Beachy Wine Holder Makeover!

If You Like Dragonflies!

I have a number of dragonfly projects that I think you are going to love!

If you Love Dragonflies…

If you love dragonflies but just don’t have the time to make them, I found some beautiful dragonflies you can buy!


Be sure to PIN IT for later!

Pouring resin for the Sea Glass Dragonfly emblem
Faux Sea Glass dragonfly emblem

1 thought on “DIY Faux Sea Glass Dragonfly How To”

  1. Hello,
    Beautiful dragonfly! I am new to resin and am trying to create the faux sea glass look which is how I discovered your video. Do you think it was the ink that gave it the frosted effect? Or the matte finish of the mold? Or the brand of resin? I'm thinking it is the matte finish of the mold coupled with the translucent coloring from the ink. But I don't know why it is frosty instead of just matte. That's the part I am trying to figure out. Any insight please?


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