5,000 YouTube Subscribers Giveaway!!!

I want to thank all my super, awesome subscribers!  We hit 5,000 and sailed right past it!  Thank you for all who faithfully watch and all who have shared my videos with others.  I couldn’t do it without you!

I promised a 5,000 subscribers giveaway and here it is!

–  It’s open internationally
–  You must enter here in this post (see below for directions)
–  If under 18, you must have your parents permission to send me your address, if you win.  DON’T send me your address until the winner is chosen and you see if it is you.

It’s a prize pack!
The winner will receive:
–  A pair of earrings I made out of resin. glitter and nail polish
–  An egg ring and piece of cork, so you can make your own coaster molds
–  A rubber ducky pendant
–  Pigment swirled resin
–  Hello Kitty and My Little Pony glitter charms
–  A stone pendant
–  An unfinished cupcake (not edible) to paint and decorate

The giveaway starts now and ends at midnight on March 27th, so really it’s more like it ends on Tuesday the 26th.  Beware!

Good Luck and here is the giveaway:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Happy Crafting!


47 thoughts on “5,000 YouTube Subscribers Giveaway!!!”

  1. favorite are the nail polish resin stones you did they are awesome!! my favorite "craft" at the moment is learning to loom knit!!

  2. I enjoy many different crafts, but right now I am really enjoying Mixed Media 🙂 Thanks Fot the opportunity!!! Deb Crossin (aka Deb_In_PA)

  3. I love the earring and the duck necklace for my daughters but the resin coaster mold would be mine. Thanks Pat Schwab

  4. I love the resin things that you make.! Resin can be so versatile and fun to work with.! Everything you do with it is amazing and inspires me to continue crafting when I get a crafters block. Lol

  5. I like to do polymer clay but I want to learn how to do resin like your beautiful things, and also I would really like to make some coasters!

  6. I love all kinds of crafts, my favorites are: painting, jewelry, crochet and recycle crafts. I joined YouTube looking for information on how to make resin Jewelry, and came across your videos. I love your tutorials – you are very good at explaining. Thank-you for taking the time to post so many great videos and a website too! Diana

  7. I love resin based crafts. Before I saw your videos, I had no idea if such a thing as resin even existed 😀 And now you have me hooked! Be it coasters, charms or pendants, I adore every resin craft you do. 🙂

  8. Well, i love polymer clay crafts, especially miniature food and sweets- it looks gorgeous and delicious and is not so difficult 🙂

  9. New subbie here! I make handmade cards and coasters! 😀 Thanks for the opportunity to win!!!!

    ~Vanessa W

    • You are right Carla! I feel very fortunate and if my crafting brings people joy, then it brings me joy too!! Thank you!


  10. These are so simple and fun! I love it, my favorite craft is the nailpolish pendants I made one for my boyfriend (he loves it he wears it around his neck almost all the time!) Thanks so much <3


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