Christmas Decor Snowman Believe Sign [Video]

I believe, do you believe? Learn how to make a Christmas decor snowman believe sign that lights up! It’s easy and a great home decor project for the holidays!

I found a wood tray at Hobby Lobby and thought it was PERFECT for a sign I have been wanting to make! With it being a tray, it made it perfect to hide the batteries for the lights!

Mona holding unfinished wood tray

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Supplies for the Christmas Decor Snowman Believe Sign

Christmas Decor Snowman Believe Sign Directions

Step 1

I used gesso to seal the wood. Once dry, I followed up with white paint.

Paint Gesso on the unfinished wood tray

Step 2

I used my Cricut cutting machine to cut the word Believe and a bunch of snowflakes out of vinyl.

Use Cricut to cut out white vinyl

Step 3

I also printed out a snowman, using a laser printer.

A snowman cut out for the Christmas decor snowman believe sign

Step 4

I put transfer tape on the word Believe. 

Burnishing down vinyl believe

After putting it on the painted tray, I added the vinyl onto the sign and burnished it down. I then removed the transfer tape.

Step 5

I laid the snowman on the sign, just so I could figure out the spacing of the snowflakes. I then addend the vinyl snowflakes and burnished everything down.

Putting vinyl snowflakes one the sign

Step 6

I then used the same white paint as before and painted over all the vinyl, in all directions, and let it dry.

Paint white paint over the vinyl on the snowman sign

Step 7

Once dry, I painted blue over everything.

Paint blue over the entire Chrsitmas decor snowman sign

Step 8

Once dry, I pulled up all the vinyl, which exposed the white beneath.

Snowman sign | Remove the vinyl from the Christmas decor snowman believe sign

Step 9

I then drilled holes into 20 of the snowflakes.

Drill holes into the middle of the snowflakes

Step 10

I used Mod Podge to decoupage the snowman in place on the tray.

I rubbed down the image, so no bubbles would get trapped under.

Decoupage over the snowman sign

It is wise to add Mod Podge over the entire sign.

Then I used water (on the brush) to go over the wet Mod Podge, so it gave it a nice smooth finish.

I wiped the edges clean, with a damp paper towel and let it dry.

Step 11

 Once dry, I added Mod Podge along the bottom edge and sprinkled on fine glitter.

Add mod podge and fine glitter to the bottom edge of the Christmas decor snowman believe sign

I tapped off the excess glitter and let it dry.

Step 12

I then added the lights to the sign.  It was a strand with 20 lights, which is why I drilled the 20 holes.  You can also tape or velcro the battery box to the back, to keep it in place.

Add lights to the back of the snowman sign

That’s it but let’s see how it lights up!

Be sure to PIN IT for later!

Christmas decor snowman believe sign


If you love a good snowman craft, I have a few great ones!

Christmas Decor Snowman Stuff!

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Remember: Life’s too short not to shimmer, so grab your glue gun and your glitter!™ Stay safe!


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