Red, White, and Blue Fourth of July Star Art

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Create a unique 4th of July decoration for your home decor!  I’m experimenting with an acrylic pour!  This is my first acrylic pour, but it won’t be my last!! 🙂

You will need:
–  Wood star ~ I cut mine out of 1/2″ plywood ~ 2′ x 2′
–  Here is the saw I used:
–  Pouring medium:
–  Red acrylic paint:
–  Blue acrylic paint:
–  White acrylic paint:

Here is the video tutorial:

1.  Cut a large star out of plywood.

2.  Sand the edges.
3.  Prime it and let it dry.

4.  In individual cups, add inexpensive acrylic paint in red, white and blue.

5.  Add pouring medium, until the paint is at a good consistency to flow.  I covered the cups with plastic wrap and a rubber band and let it sit for about seven hours before pouring the paint.  That way, the bubbles all rose to the top and popped.

6.  Begin pouring the colors on the star.  I didn’t move the star to have them run together, but you can!  I just wanted to let them flow as they wanted.  

7.  I used a paint brush and used the paint that dripped off the star to paint the edges.

8.  When everything covered and the way you want it to be, let it sit undisturbed and let it completely dry.

That’s it!  Thanks for stopping by!

Remember:  Life’s too short not to shimmer, so grab your glue gun and your glitter!™  Stay safe!


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