Shark Drink Coasters DIY ~ Home Decor ~ Inspired by Shark Week ~ Craft Klatch ~ How To

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I am so excited that Shark Week is BACK, so I decided to do a Special Edition of Another Coaster Friday!  I made shark coasters!

You will need:

This is the saw I used:
Extra blades:
Sharpie marker:
Weathered Gray stain:
Aqua stain:
Poly acrylic finish:
Shark template image:

FYI:  The stains are probably less expensive and you can find the size you want, if you go right to Home Depot and get them.  I just linked to Amazon, so you could see the brands I used.

Here is the video tutorial:

1.  Get the image HERE or draw your own.  Size it to the size you want and print it out on a piece of paper.  Cut it out.
2.  I used inexpensive plywood and cut the pieces out with my saw.  Did I mention I love my saw?!?!?!
3.  With a fine permanent marker, draw on the features of the shark.
4.  Once the marker has dried, use the aqua stain to go over the features and wipe it off immediately!
5.  Then do the same with the weathered gray stain.
6.  Once the stain has dried, you can protect them with a finish.  I used a poly acrylic finish.  You can use a spray finish, or anything you like.

That’s it!  Thanks for stopping by!

Happy Shark Week!  
Remember:  Life’s too short not to shimmer, so grab your glue gun and your glitter!


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