Dragonfly with Resin Wings Home Decor DIY Project

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I came across some stuff at the craft store that made me think dragonfly!!

What I used (affiliate links):
Triple Thick:  https://amzn.to/1RA2uRK
White tissue paper:  https://amzn.to/1mz9CRc
Ultimate glue:  https://amzn.to/1mz9JMT
Weldbond glue:  https://amzn.to/20Sz8nB
Fine iridescent glitter:  https://amzn.to/2QSnJF0
Fine purple glitter:  https://amzn.to/1RA34Pf
Eyes (different, but might work):  https://amzn.to/20SzJpj
Dragonfly body and head – I found them at Michaels
Metallic black acrylic paint
Dremel tool:  https://amzn.to/1mzbxFD
Purple pigment powder:  https://amzn.to/1mzbzgB
Green pigment powder:  https://amzn.to/1mzbDwS  

Here is the video tutorial:

1.  Paint the dragonfly body and head black – it will take at least two coats.  Allow to dry.

2.  One the body portion mix the Triple Thick with a metallic green pigment powder and paint it on the body and allow to dry.  Allow to dry.

3.  Drill a hole into the body and use stick a skewer stick into the both holes and add glue.  Allow to dry.

4.  Shape wire into the shape of wings and twist to close them.

5.  Mix resin, according to the package directions and add a little purple pigment powder.  

6.  Paint the resin onto the tissue paper and wrap and stick to the wire wings.  Do this while working on parchment paper. You can sprinkle some fine glitter on it too.  Allow to cure.

7.  Once cured, use old scissors to trim off excess.

8.  Drill hole into the back of the dragonfly and add glue (hot glue and Ultimate Glue) and allow to dry.  

9.  Cut the wing end wires and bend them, so you can insert them into the dragonfly.  

10.  Use the Ultimate Glue and hot glue to attach the wings.  Also, use the Ultimate Glue to line the edges of the wings and add fine purple glitter.  Add glitter anywhere you want to cover up glue.

10.  Glue on eye beads.

11.  You can drill a hole in the back and add an eye hook to hang it from the ceiling.  Or you can drill a small hole on the underside, to hang it on the wall.

12.  I added a little clear resin piece on the top of the wings to add a little detail.

That’s it!  Thanks for stopping by!  Remember:  Life’s too short not to shimmer, so grab your glue gun and your glitter!™  Stay safe!


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