DIY Christmas Coasters: Grinch and Reindeer Silhouette Coasters ~ Another Coaster Friday Craft Klatch

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It’s time for some more Christmas coasters!  This time we have some Grinch and a reindeer silhouette in the snow!!

You will need (affiliate links):

Coaster mold:
White resin dye:
Pearl resin dye:
Transparency film:
Circle cutter:

Here is the video tutorial:

1.  Mix one ounce of resin for each coaster.  Follow the package directions on the resin.

2.  Mix in pearl or white resin dye and mix well.

3.  Pour into molds.  Pop bubbles as needed and then allow to cure a minimum of 12 hours before moving onto the next step.

4.  Print images onto transparency film and cut out with circle cutter, or scissors.

5.  Mix one ounce for each coaster.  Pour one ounce into each cavity and pop the bubbles.  Slip the images into the resin.  Use your stir stick to press down the images to make sure you press out all the bubbles from under the transparency film.  

6.  Pop bubbles and allow to cure.

That’s it!  Now you have some fun coasters for Christmas!

Thank you for stopping by!  Happy Holidays!  Remember:  Life’s too short not to shimmer, so grab your glue gun and your glitter!™  Stay safe!


**The image is from  by Kristy.

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