Thanksgiving Dinner and Turkey Coasters DIY ~ Another Coaster Friday

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It’s time for Thanksgiving coasters!  

You will need:
–  Felt (red, orange, yellow, 2 browns, white and black)
–  Resin (I used Easy Cast)

Here is the video tutorial:

With Thanksgiving right around the corner I did two coasters.

Let’s start with the turkey.  I have been asked to add fabric to coasters, so I thought I would kill two birds with one stone (ha ha).

  1. Cut felt into petal shapes.  I used red, rusty orange and yellow.  This is for the turkey feathers.
  2. I mixed two ounces or resin and used the Easy Cast.  
  3. Pour the resin into the mold and place the feathers into the resin, pressing them down with the stir stick and making sure they are covered.
  4. Pop bubbles with a lighter and allow to cure.
  5. Cut brown felt into a peanut shape and cut a waddle two eyes.  
  6. Mix more resin (2 ounces) and pour into the mold.  I tried using a flesh color for the body, but when I added it to the resin, it became transparent.  I had to quick switch to brown.  Press all of the felt into the resin.
  7. Pop bubbles and allow to cure.  
  8. If the resin isn’t flat, after it has cured, add a little more resin on top to level it off.
  9. Allow to cure.
  10. Once cured unmold them.

Thanksgiving Dinner Coaster

  1. Mix one ounce of resin and mix white pigment into it.
  2. Pour into mold.
  3. Pop bubbles and allow to cure.
  4. Print Thanksgiving dinner on transparency film.
  5. Mix another ounce of resin.
  6. Pour into the mold.
  7. Slide the transparency film into the mold and press down with your stir stick.  Make sure to press out all the bubbles from underneath.
  8. Pop bubbles and  allow to cure.
That’s it!  Unmold them and you have two great holiday coasters!

Thanks for stopping by!  Stay safe and Happy Crafting!


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