I don’t know how it is possible that I never made a 4th of July coaster, but I haven’t, so it’s time!

You will need:
– Resin – I used Easy Cast, but Envirotex Lite would work too!
Here is the video tutorial:
1. Prepare your resin, according the package directions.
2. Mix in the confetti stars.
3. Pour into your mold.
4. After a few minutes, pop bubbles with your lighter or a straw.
5. Allow to cure a minimum of 12 hours.
That’s it! Happy Fourth of July and Happy Crafting! Have a safe holiday!
Here are items available through Amazon:
Hi, Mona. When I've tried projects similar to the one you've described here, my embedded items have poked through. Even glitter sinks or floats and causes a rough surface. What's the secret? Linda