DIY Fourth of July Coaster – Another Coaster Friday Craft Klatch

I don’t know how it is possible that I never made a 4th of July coaster, but I haven’t, so it’s time!

You will need:
–  Resin – I used Easy Cast, but Envirotex Lite would work too!
–  Coaster mold

Here is the video tutorial:

1.  Prepare your resin, according the package directions.  
2.  Mix in the confetti stars.
3.  Pour into your mold.
4.  After a few minutes, pop bubbles with your lighter or a straw.
5.  Allow to cure a minimum of 12 hours.

That’s it!  Happy Fourth of July and Happy Crafting!  Have a safe holiday!


Here are items available through Amazon:

1 thought on “DIY Fourth of July Coaster – Another Coaster Friday Craft Klatch”

  1. Hi, Mona. When I've tried projects similar to the one you've described here, my embedded items have poked through. Even glitter sinks or floats and causes a rough surface. What's the secret? Linda


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