Valentine’s Day Tic Tac Toe Game Box DIY

Love is in the air… time to play with hearts!!  

Here are some similar items available from Amazon, incase you want to make something similar:

The links below help support this channel,  as I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.

You will need:
–  Unfinished box: 
–  Silicone heart mold:
–  Pink acrylic paint:
–  Red acrylic paint:
–  Black acrylic paint:  
–  Black permanent marker:
–  Satin varnish:
–  Ruler:
–  Resin pigment dyes, or glitter, or pigment powder:
Resin (use whatever resin brand you like):
Easy Cast:
Art Resin:
Clear Cast:
FX Poxy: ~ According to the manufacturer, this one is heat resistant to 500 degrees F and is UV resistant.

Here is the video tutorial:


1.  Mix your resin, according to the package directions.

2.  Mix in pigment dye (or glitter or pigment powder, whichever you prefer to use).  I made five hearts pink and five red.  I made the pink by first adding white to the resin and then following it up with just a drop of red.  

3.  Pour the resin into the heart molds, pop bubbles with lighter and allow to cure.  Once cured, remove from mold.

4.  Remove the hardware (clasp and hinges) from the box and put off to the side – somewhere safe, like a plastic bag, so you don’t lose them.

5.  Place nine of the resin hearts on the top of the box, so you can get an idea of how much space your need for your tic tac toe board.  Once you figure it out, measure in from all sides of the box, the same distance, and take a pencil and a ruler to draw the lines.

6.  Paint the inside of the square you drew a light pink.  This will take at least two coats.

7.  Paint the rest of the box red, this will also take at least two coats.  

8.  Once all the paint has dried, you can use a ruler and create your grid.  I drew the grid with a black permanent marker and a ruler.

9.  Since we didn’t tape off the square, the lines won’t be perfect.  I took the end of my paint brush and dipped it into black paint.  I made polka dots along the lines.  I then took the pointy end of the skewer stick and dipped that into the black paint and made tiny polka dots in between the larger dots.

10.  I used a skewer stick and pink paint to draw pink hearts in the corners and I outlined those in black.  

11.  Let everything dry and then add a coat or two of a satin varnish.  This will help protect it from wear.

12.  Put all the hardware back on and you have a cute tic tac toe game!!

That’s it!  Thanks for stopping by!  Remember:  Life’s too short not to shimmer, so grab your glue gun and your glitter!™  Stay safe!  Happy Valentine’s Day!


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