1. Prepare your resin, according to the package directions. Make enough to cover the bottom of the mold.
2. Color as you like. I mixed pearl pigment dye, a couple drops of white and two drops of blue. Experiment until you get the color you want.
3. Pour into mold and let it cure.
4. Use a pen or pencil to draw and outline of Dracula’s hair.
5. Using black acrylic paint, paint the hair, the eyebrows, a frown, and the nose. The hair and eyebrows will take at least two coats. Allow to dry.
6. Glue the eyes into place. I used a fast drying super glue.
7. Using white acrylic paint, paint the fangs.
8. Using red acrylic paint, paint a drop of blood.
9. Allow everything to dry!
10. Prepare more resin and pour over everything.
11. Allow to cure.
Pop it out and you will have a cute vampire! That’s it! Thanks for stopping by. Happy Crafting and Happy Halloween! I’ll have another Halloween coaster next week!