Pushpins Coaster – Perfect for Back to School or Dorm Decor – Another Coaster Friday

This is a fun coaster that is just in time for back to school or dorm decor.  It’s fun for an apartment, the office, etc.!  I found these brightly colored pushpins at Dollar Tree.

You will need:

–  Coaster mold
–  Resin (I used Easy Cast – Envirotex Lite works too!  For more info go to www.eti-usa.com)

–  Pushpins – I bought mine at Dollar Tree

Here are some of the items I used, available through Amazon, incase you want to give it a try:

Here is the video tutorial:


1.  Prepare your resin, according to the package directions.

2.  Mix in pushpins.
3.  Spread pushpins (should be well coated in resin) in the coaster mold.
4. Allow to sit and remove bubbles as necessary.  This first layer should now be full because the pushpins will likely float.  Let is sit for at least and hour, but two or more would be better.
5.  Prepare more resin (enough to cover the pushpins) and remove bubbles as necessary.
6.  Allow to cure a minimum of 12 hours before unmolding.

That is it!  Thanks for stopping by and Happy Crafting!


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