Snowflake Coasters | Another Coaster Friday

I’m not a fan of winter but can appreciate its beauty. I made these coasters for the winter season. It’s cold outside and they capture that icy feeling. It’s an easy resin coaster crafts and home decor project!  Check out the craft tutorial below.

Supplies You Will Need To Make The Snowflake Coasters

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  • Resin
  • When deciding on which resin to use for your coasters, you need to keep in mind whether you want it just for cold cups or for hot ones as well.
  • If only for cold drinks, you can be flexible and use whatever brand you like:
  • If you want it to work for both hot and cold drinks, you need to look for a heat-resistant resin, like these:
    • FX Poxy ~ According to the manufacturer, this one is heat resistant to 500° F.
    • Stone Coat

Here is the Snowflake Coaster Video Tutorial


Step 1: Prepare Your Resin

Prepare your resin according to the package directions. You will need approximately one ounce for each coaster to cover the base of the mold.

Step 2: Glitter Time

Separate your resin into two small disposable cups and mix your glitter into each.

Step 3: Pour It

Pour the resin and glitter mixture into each of the molds.

Note: You can go as thick as you like. I went one ounce on each realizing I needed to follow up with a clear layer.

Step 4: Add The Flakes

Carefully place in the snowflakes.

TIP: I did this while the resin was still tacky and soft. An alternative would be to let the first layer cure and tack the snowflakes down with a little bit of glue. Either way works.

Step 5: Let It Cure

Allow it to cure at least for several hours.

Step 6: More Resin

Prepare more resin according to the package directions. You probably will need approximately one ounce per coaster. However, it really depends on the thickness of your snowflakes. Just make sure you have enough to fully embed the snowflakes.

Step 7: Let It Snow…I Mean Cure!

You want to let them cure a minimum of 12 hours before removing them from the molds.

Snowflake Coaster Alternatives!

I know things get busy, especially around the holidays! If you don’t have the time to make the coasters, but love the idea of a snowflake coaster, here are some great alternatives!

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That’s it! Thanks for stopping by! Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!

Remember: Life’s too short not to shimmer, so grab your glue gun and your glitter!™ Stay safe!


2 thoughts on “Snowflake Coasters | Another Coaster Friday”

  1. These are beautiful! I have never made coasters before but these have inspired me to look into it. Thank you for your video and tutorial.


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