Father’s Day Pencil Holder Newspaper Craft & Video Tutorial

This is an easy craft, perfect for Father’s Day, or any day really. It’s an inexpensive newspaper craft that not only recycles but also makes an attractive gift. 

Materials You Will Need

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Pencil Holder Newspaper Craft Video Tutorial


1.  Clean and dry a can and collect some newspapers. I like the keep some on hand. You never know when you’ll get the inspiration to make a newspaper craft! I’ve made a few!

Gather newspapers for newspaper crafts

2.  Take the newspaper and cut it in half.  

Cut newspapers with scissors

3.  Starting at a corner, take your pencil and roll it in the newspaper. Use your glue stick to glue it along the way. Shake out the pencil and set it aside. Repeat and make as many as you need to cover the can.

Roll newspaper from corner
Roll the newspaper
Roll the newspaper
Keep rolling newspaper craft until the end
Keep making rolls until you have enough to make the newspaper craft

4.  Using hot glue, put a line of glue on the can and stick the first newspaper roll to the can. Repeat with other rolls until the can is about half covered. At that time, it is good to cut off the extra newspaper length on each side of the can. 

Add hot glue to the can for the newspaper crafts

It’s a newspaper craft and an aluminum can craft! Two recycling crafts in one!

Place the rolled newspapers around the can
Keep adding glue and newspaper rolls onto the aluminum can

5.  Finish with remaining rolls until entire can is covered. Trim off extra ends.

Add newspaper rolls until the can is covered
Trim off the excess from the newspaper rolls

6.  Take some rope and hot glue it around the top and the bottom for a little finishing trim. If you don’t have rope use ribbon or twine.

Finished newspaper craft pencil holder

That’s it! I hope you try it! If you do, be sure to send or tweet me a pic or post it right on my Facebook wall!

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DIY Newspaper pencil holder

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Fun Alternatives to the Newspaper Pencil Holder

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Thanks for stopping by! Remember: Life’s too short not to shimmer, so grab your glue gun and your glitter!™ Stay safe!


2 thoughts on “Father’s Day Pencil Holder Newspaper Craft & Video Tutorial”

  1. The shaze newspaper holders are uniquely crafted with resin and electroformed silver on the top. Not only utility, but the majestic and royal look of the product make this indispensable as a thoughtful gift. The shaze silver-plated Murina Newspaper Holder is one-of-its-kind for a gift.


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