Golf Ball Sun Craft with Video Tutorial

Today, we are making a golf ball sun craft! Add a little sunshine even on a dreary day!

If you love golf ball crafts, you can find 30 Golf Ball Crafts and DIYs HERE!

I have all kinds of golf balls but I’m not a golfer and neither is my husband. After picking out the good balls and giving them to the golfers we do know, I still have a bucket full for crafting.

I thought everyone needs a little sun in their lives.

Golf ball sun craft banner

Supplies You Will Need For the Sun Craft

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Here is the Sun Craft Video Tutorial

Golf Ball Sun Craft Directions

Step 1

Drill a small hole into the top of the golf ball (I know there is no actual top…it’s round…but you know what I mean). The hole does not need to be deep. It just needs to be started and the eye screw will easily screw right in.

Add eye screw to golf ball

Step 2

Glue the golf tees onto the golf ball. I did not put them up right next to each other because I didn’t want there to be an awkward space. I left a little room between each, so I could better position the last one.

Unpainted golf ball sun craft

Step 3

Spray paint it yellow.

Golf ball sun craft painted yellow

That’s it! Super easy!

Have fun with it! I’d LOVE to see what you make! Be sure to share it over on my Craft Klatch Facebook Group! It’s Free! ❤️

Do You Love Sun and Sunflower Crafts?

If you enjoy making sun and sunflower crafts, I have some you will love!

Sun Decor!

If you don’t have time to make the sun crafts but love sun decor, check out these amazing pieces you can buy!

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Remember: Life’s too short not to shimmer, so grab your glue gun and your glitter!™ Stay safe!


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4 thoughts on “Golf Ball Sun Craft with Video Tutorial”

  1. This is pretty interesting. What a perfect craft. This golf ball sun is amazing. I would really love to make one for my daughter so soon. I'm sure she'll gonna love this, too. Thanks for sharing this tutorial.

  2. Hi, I love this! I am unable to make one due to handicap but would it be possible to purchase one from you ?

    Angela (cardiac_tec[at]


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