Here is an easy craft!

You will need:
- Styrofoam ball
- Orange tissue paper
- Black paper
- Stick
- Mod Podge
- Hot glue
- Paper clip
Here is the video tutorial:
1. Take styrofoam ball and flatten on top and bottom. Use a marker or pen to indent the top to create a pumpkin shape.
2. Cut tissue paper to fit – covering the styrofoam ball.
3. Use Mod Podge, or white glue and cover the entire styrofoam ball.
4. Cover the ball with the tissue paper, using Mod Podge to go over the tissue paper as well.
5. If you think it needs more coverage, rip strips of tissue paper and Mod Podge on.
6. Allow to dry.
7. Cut paper clip so it is a “U” shape. Take hot glue and put on the top indent. Put stick (which will be the stem of the pumpkin) in the hot glue and hold in place. At the same time, insert the paper clip into the styrofoam ball. Allow glue to cool.
8. Cut paper into two triangles and a mouth and hot glue into place.
9. Use as a place card holder, or put on string and use as an ornament.

Even Spooky the Cat likes the Pumpkin!

Thanks for stopping by!
Remember: Life’s too short not to shimmer, so grab your glue gun and your glitter!™ Stay safe!