ATTACK OF THE GIANT ANTS! Garden Ants Using Recycled Materials

Garden ants are a pest, but if you make them using recycled materials, you can have giant ants that don’t bother you at all!

Here’s a giant ant that won’t invade your picnic, or eat your house! I promise!

Be sure to PIN IT for later!

Giant golf ball ants ants

Materials to Make Giant Garden Ants:

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Recycled Materials

Paint, Glue & Wire


Here is the Garden Ants Video Tutorial:

So you can exactly how I made the Giant Garden Ants!

Garden Ant Directions

1.  Gather three golf balls and glue them together to make the body of the garden ants.

Hands holding together three golf balls for giant garden ants craft - using recycled materials for the project
Hot glue gun gluing together golf balls for giant ant craft

2.  Drill six holes in the sides (three on each side) of the ant.  I put one on the back part and two in the middle and left the head without any holes (for now).  Also drill two holes in the head for the antennae.

Drilling hole into golf ball for ant legs

3.  Here is another chance to use recycle materials in this project. Cut six pieces of the wire hanger – approximately 2.5 inches in length- and bend each end.  

Wire hanger with golf balls - recycled materials for project
Two hands cutting wire hanger with pliers this is another opportunity to work in a recycled material
Golf balls and wire legs for giant ants craft

4.  Insert into the leg holes, so the garden ants can stand.

Inserting wire hanger legs into golf balls for giant garden ants

5.  Take a few inches of the 20 gauge wire and wrap it around a pen or skewer to create the antennae. 

Twist wire to make antennae

6.  Hot glue the legs and antennae.

Unpainted giant garden ant made of golf ball and wire hanger with wire antennae - recycled materials make good craft supplies!

7.  Spray paint the garden ants. Let them dry and your are done!!

One unpainted giant ant and one giant garden ant painted black

8.  Display your garden ants made from recycled materials proudly!

Black giant garden ant sitting on a deck railing

*For those of you down south, you might want to go red for fire ants! Make it the same way with the recycle materials and paints, except use red spray paint instead!

I’d LOVE to see what you come up with!  Share your creations on our Facebook page!

Two giant ants sitting on a deck railing - hard to believe they are made  with recycled materials


More Garden Decor Ideas You Can Make!

Aside from giant garden ants, here are other great projects for your backyard and garden!


Just a warning. We have had 90-100 degree+ heat here in the Chicago area (most of the summer) and they held up well, but eventually, the hot glue just couldn’t hold it anymore. So, I would suggest using epoxy, or what I did to fix it. I broke out my rotary tool and drilled a hole where they were glued together, used another piece of a wire hanger, squirt some glue in holes and hot glued them together again. I let it all dry and spray-painted it. It worked like a charm and you can’t tell they ever came apart.  Now if it gets hot, the hanger inside doesn’t allow it to try and pull apart.  The heat here has continued and they are holding up fine!  If you are using them inside, the hot glue is more than enough.

Ants and other bugs that won’t bug you!

If you love the idea of adding whimsical bugs to your home and garden, check out these ideas!

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Have fun! Remember: Life’s too short not to shimmer, so grab your glue gun and your glitter!™ Stay safe!


27 thoughts on “ATTACK OF THE GIANT ANTS! Garden Ants Using Recycled Materials”

  1. Thanks Marisa! Glad to have you here and following! Those are the only ants I like too! I thought they'd be cute crawling up a wall, but I never got to it.

  2. Thanks Jen!
    Just a warning. We have had 90 -100 degree+ heat here in the Chicago area (most of the summer) and they held up well, but eventually the hot glue just couldn't hold it anymore. So, I would suggest using an epoxy, or what I did to fix it. I broke out my rotary tool and drilled a hole where they were glued to together, used another piece of wire hanger, squirt some glue in and hot glued together again. I let it all dry and spray painted it again. It worked like a charm and you can't tell they came apart. Now if it gets hot, the hanger inside doesn't allow it to try and pull apart. If you are using them inside, the hot glue is more than enough. Thanks again for stopping by! Mona on Recycled Golf Ball Ants Craft Project

  3. You just have to make sure you don't go too deep when drilling the holes. I drill holes in golf balls to make hanging ornaments and if you go too deep, there is a liquid inside some balls and it can squirt out or distort your ball. I am going to try making these cause they are so cute and I have lots of golf balls! Thanks for the tute!

  4. I made two of these today. Thank you so much for the wonderful idea. I painted one black and one red. I also painted eyes and a cute little mouth. They are going out in my garden next to my bowling ball ladybugs. I LOVE crafting.
    Thanks again, Debbie

  5. WOW! I love the craft. Thanks for writing the materials needed will do just like this with my kids.

    You can visit my blog too. starfall

  6. Bought me some golf balls at a garage sale just for this project. Looking forward to making these little ants. These little guys are going to be so cute in my garden. I will be painting eyes and a little mouth on mine also, I think a face will give each ant it's own personality. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Made these so cute…….also made one out 3 softball wanted a bigger size…..painted red… it's gorgeous thanks for the idea!

  8. I made these this past weekend using plastic practice golf balls (both the wiffle type ( aka with holes) and the hollow ones that look like reg golf balls. I used a corn holder to puncture that ball and then insert the pieces of wire hanger, then sprayed with plastic spray paint. Some red, some black.

    Plus I made a "centipede" by connecting 15 balls together in a serpentine shape and spray painted blue. Made a great b-day present for Grandma – she loved loved these additions for her garden.

  9. I'm guessing the legs are different lengths, or the holes might be too wide for the wire. If so, put some glue into the holes and then the legs, allow to dry and you should be good to go! Hope that helps!

  10. Last year, I made "ants" for a picnic themed party. I made the "ants" using three ping pong balls hot glued together. They were very lightweight and easy to poke holes into for the legs. After spray painting the bodies black, I used black pipe cleaners for the legs and antennae. The ants could be made to stand up, sit, etc. just by bending the pipe cleaners. I used red and white gingham tablecloths with a few "ants" in the center as well as several "ants" crawling on the buffet table. Everyone loved the picnic theme!

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  12. Thought I'd share that I have golf balls galore to help crafters develop projects. I provide professional golf services that include removing golf balls from golf courses. One result is to have unusable balls left over after repurposing usable balls. Anyone who wants access should connect with me at

  13. Time to rob my hubby's golf bag. I'm making some of these in red (I live in the South) and black for my granddaughters buy themed birthday party. So stinkin' cute!!

  14. The kids always find golf balls outside the golf course by our house so this is a great idea for an activity when we get home. Thanks Mona!

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